
Basic Firearm Safety

Americans enjoy the right that citizens of many other countries do not – the right to own firearms. But with that right comes an inherent responsibility. It is the gun owner’s responsibility to store, operate, and maintain his or her firearms safely. It is the gun owner’s responsibility to ensure that unauthorized and untrained individuals cannot gain access to his or her firearms. It’s also the gun owner’s responsibility to learn and follow all applicable laws that pertain to the purchase, possession, and use in his or her jurisdiction. Guns are neither safe nor unsafe by themselves. When people practice responsible gun ownership, firearms are safe.

The most important rules of gun safety are:


  • Assume all guns are always loaded. Even if you know for sure that a firearm isn’t loaded, it should still be treated as if it is. 


  • Always keep the gun pointed in a safe direction. A safe direction is anywhere a shot fired will cause little to no property damage and no risk of injury or death to a person.


  • Always keep your finger off the trigger. Until you are ready to fire, your trigger finger should always be in the home position.  When you’re ready to fire, meaning you have identified a target, moved your gun into position and aim; your trigger finger will move from the home position to the trigger.


  • Always identify your target. Be sure you have identified your target and anything behind it You are ultimately responsible for every round fired and everything they hit.


Gun Safety is everyone’s responsibility! 


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