Gunsmith Service
Straighten Crane on Revolver $35
Install Stake on Front $40
Fit New Slide to Frame $120
Lower & Flare Ejection Port $60
Tune Extractor $65
Install Beavertail Grip Safety $120
Install Ambidextrous Safety $70
Tighten Slide of 1911 $70
Fit & Install Barrel Bushing on 1911 $55
Open & Modify Ejection Port on 1911 $75
Fit Custom Hammer to 1911 $55

Make Chamber Cast $75
Cut & Crown Barrel $80
Re-Crown Barrel $55
Install Barrel Band Swivel $95
Chamber & Fit Barrel to Action $275
Remove Obstruction from Chamber or Bore $65
Install Badger K $85
Install Pre-Threaded & Chambered Barrel $200
Install Muzzle Brake $25
Cut & Crown Barrel $80
Install Tactical Front Si $100
Cut Down Buttstock $80
Install Sight Bead $30
Hone & Polish Chamber $20
Hone & Polish Bore $30
Trigger Job (most revolvers) $100
Trigger Job (most rifles) $85
Trigger Job – 1911 $120
Smooth Trigger Action $100
Round, Radius & Polish Trigger Shoe $70
- All firearms must be inspected prior to starting work.
- Firearms services are performed on a first-come, first-served basis.
- Bring your firearm to the store unloaded and cased.
- Once work is complete, the firearm can only be released to the person who dropped it off.
- Please inform the gunsmith of any prior work done to the firearm.
- Bring at least one magazine (if applicable) for the firearm
- For sight-in work, please bring 1 box of the same ammunition that you plan on using.
- Warranty repairs are not done in-house.